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Help Line 1) Ashwin Ravilal Dedhia :- 9833743508  2) Sachin Dhirubhai Dedhia :- 9833125977 3) Dhiraj Karamshi Dedhia :- 9901622104
New Family Entry
  Family Head  
First Name Father/Husband Grand Father /Father-in-Law Surname
Special Name
Village Name
  Flat/room no /Building  Name
  Road/Lane  name
  Land mark
Home Landline     
Home Mobile     
Personal information of Head of Family
Relation SELF
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Date of Marriage   (dd/mm/yyyy)
Blood Group Medi-claim
Education Stream
Profession Designation
Office Name Office Phone
Office Address
Industry Sub Industry  if readymade then ( mfg / shop / working )
Mobile No Whatsapp No if u do not have then put any of your family member whatsapp no
Email id  
In-law Name In-law Native
Password      (maximum 10 character)
verification Code     
  Enter Above verification Code     

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